Gladys woke up one morning and decided she wanted to have a day off from adventures. She set off on a walk around the farm. |
On her walk Gladys met a man named Obi Wan Kenobi. He told Gladys that he was going to a planet called Alderaan and asked if she if she would like to come along. Gladys thought it sounded like fun and agreed. |
Obi Wan hired a ship and crew to take them to Alderaan. |
Obi Wan taught Gladys about the force during the voyage. |
When they arrived in the Alderaan system they found that Alderaan had been destroyed by a giant space station called the Death Star. The Death Star pulled their ship in with a tractor beam. |
On the Death Star, Gladys and Obi Wan escaped. Obi Wan disabled the tractor beam while Gladys rescued Princess Leia. |
On the way back to the ship, Gladys saw Obi Wan fighting Darth Vadar. Obi Wan disappeared. |
Gladys and the crew fled from the Death Star in their ship. |
Princess Leia took Gladys to the Rebel base. Gladys offered to help the rebels in an assault on the Death Star. Gladys was asked to fly an X-wing fighter. |
The rebels destroyed the Death Star. Darth Vadar escaped in his ship. |
Gladys received a medal for her bravery. She decided it was time to go home. |
She fell asleep, back in her field, thinking about where she should go on her next adventure. |